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“It’s never smooth nor perfect but you have showed us the true meaning of family and love” – Mercy Johnson appreciates husband

Mercy Johnson celebrates husband on Father's Day

Nollywood actress and entrepreneur Mercy Johnson Okojie has appreciated her politician husband, Prince Odi Okojie.

As the world marked Father’s Day on Sunday, June 16th, Mercy took to her Instagram page to share a clip of her husband and their youngest daughter at her school, as she appreciated him for everything he does for the family.

Mercy Johnson celebrates 12th tradiversary with husband

She stated that her husband is the first man that truly loved the kids as she rained praises on him, calling him her life, hope, strength, hero and smile.

Mercy stated that her and kids don’t know what to say about him if they were asked as she admitted that it is never smooth nor perfect, but her husband has showed them the true meaning of family and love.

She appreciated him for all he does to make things better and expressed love for him.

“@princeodiokojie , Happy Father’s Day …..To our everything, you are the first Man that truly loved the Kids….

My Life, My Hope, My Strength,My Hero, My Smile …….Hmmmmm… The kids and I don’t know what to say about you if we were asked…. it’s never smooth ,it’s not perfect but you have showed us the true meaning of family and Love…

Thank you for all you do to make it better…We love you so much babe…So much”.

Taking to her comment section, Prince Okojie expressed his love for her and prayed for their family. He wrote, “I love you much more babe. God bless you and the kids”.

Mercy Johnson celebrates husband on Father's Day

Last month, Prince Okojie had defended Mercy against her colleague, Angela Okorie, after she dragged her, accusing her and her mother of being witches. She later went on an Instagram Live with Mercy Johnson’s former best friend, who spilled some shocking allegations against the actress. Reacting to their allegations, the politician shared a cryptic post, urging the public to check on their loved ones as he noted how mental health is real.

Following his defence of her, Mercy had poured out her heart to him on his birthday. She described him as her pillar, strength, hero and love. Calling him her babe, she stated that she was in short of words as she declared him ‘her everything and more’.

Last year, the couple celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. Mercy described her husband as her quarrel and gossip partner whom she couldn’t do without and went on to cheer on to more years of love without condition or expiry date.

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