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“I’m learning to tame my tongue” – Sharon Ooja on why she avoids religious arguments

Sharon Ooja says it's a spiritual problem to be triggered by someone's post

Sharon Ooja has a little message for the general public, regarding why she doesn’t engage in religious battles.

In her post, Sharon Ooja wrote;

”As I’m growing in my walk with Christ, I’m learning to tame my tongue, and the urge to have baseless religious arguments, that are more from ego than the advancement of the word.. before you get involved in any spiritual /religious argument, ask yourself is
this for me?and my ego?

Or is this for the advancement of the word? Because God doesn’t need any defense trust mel!!!

Sharon Ooja narrates why she doesn’t fight religious battles.

He doesn’t!! He is mighty to savell! He is God all by Himself. There is something my therapist taught me… she said when you feel the urgento respond to something … pause and ask yourself, why? Who? And what? If younunderstand these three questions.

You’ll likely keep quiet … because most people will only argue and respond from their level of reasoning,their mental state,their spiritual maturity, their frame of mind.…

And all these things have nothing to do with you or the kingdom of God……. just read your bible and fellowship with the Holy Spirit ,so nobody will confuse you a moral of the story i avoid religious arguments lol you’re right I’m wrong”

Sharon Ooja’s message was centered around the Bible, and this isn’t a first for her, as she often uses the Bible as a reference for most of her posts.

Recently, Sharon Ooja got dragged online for using a Bible verse to call out naysayers. A lot of concern was shown with regards to whether she is actually enjoying her marriage.

On the matter of Sharon Ooja’s marriage, the actress has been married for a few months, and she had one of the biggest wedding ceremonies in recent times.

Sharon Ooja’s wedding was such a huge deal that it got compared to Davido’s wedding, which had taken place earlier.

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